On Mon, May 2, 2016, at 10:04 PM, Ross Gammon wrote:
> Hi All,
> I am hoping to maintain backports to Xenial for the 10 packages we
> decided were important enough to have in the "Mandatory" testsuite on
> the the Package Tracker.
> They are listed here:
> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuStudio/BackportsList
> I am not adverse to adding other packages to the backport list as long
> as we don't go crazy, and they are not difficult to backport.
> The backporting instructions (linked on that page) are a little out of
> date, so if you would like to help out then let me know. I will
> prioritise updating the instructions.
> Regards,
> Ross

I would also like to participate in this, if not backport request, then
at least testing when the time comes. Was thinking of when would be the
good time to do those, and at least every 6 months is a good time to do
the whole list - when the next release is out.

Every now and then there may an important release that could be
important to backport in advance, but otherwise it may be hard to do
quality control on packages in the dev release if we have no
confirmation if they have been tested at all.

What kind of schedule did you have in mind?

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