On Thu, 27 Apr 2017 17:26:19 +0200, Hans Schneidhofer wrote:
>My fresh installed Ubuntustudio 16.04 have installed
>ntc=net-time-control, but Muse want not start without rtc.


I'm neither using Muse, nor have I heard of ntc, neither does Google
find something named ntc or net time control.

RTC usually isn't used anymore. I don't know Muse, but Qtractor allows
to select the timer.

A while back I missed HRTIMER (HPET) in Qtrctor's menu
View > Options > MIDI, but today it's available again. HRTMER (HPET) was
the timer I used with my old mobo and CPU for MIDI, to reduce MIDI
jitter. I've got a new mobo and CPU with TSC, but haven't done any
tests with clocks on this mobo.

Is "ntc" listed by the available_clocksource?

[rocketmouse@archlinux ~]$ cat 
tsc hpet acpi_pm 
[rocketmouse@archlinux ~]$ cat 

In the past HRTIMER (HPET) was the best MIDI sequencer clock source. I
don't know if TSC is better or less good.

What do try to archive by using this ominous NTC?


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