Thanks you so much for the upgrade to Controls! Managing JACK, Pulseaudio
and the bridge is a very important addition. We use KXStudio in my work
because of Cadence, a very similar application.


El jue., 18 de oct. de 2018 a la(s) 13:58, Erich Eickmeyer ( escribió:

> Ubuntu Studio 18.10 Released
> <>
> The Ubuntu Studio team is pleased to announce the release of Ubuntu Studio
> 18.10 “Cosmic Cuttlefish”. As a regular release, this version of Ubuntu
> Studio will be supported for 9 months.
> Since it’s just out, you may experience some issues, so you might want to
> wait a bit before upgrading. Please see the release notes
> <> for
> a complete list of changes and known issues.
> Click Here to Download Ubuntu Studio 18.10
> <>
> Changes This Release Major Upgrade to Ubuntu Studio Controls
> Ubuntu Studio Controls has historically been the app to run to get initial
> audio configuration set for your system. This release, Ubuntu Studio
> Controls has undergone a major rewrite, and has the following features:
>    - Option for changing the CPU governor
>    - Configuration of JACK, including any attached USB audio devices
>    - Configuration of the JACK-PulseAudio Bridge
>    - Configuration of the JACK-ALSA MIDI Bridge
> Ubuntu Studio Controls now, for the first time ever for any JACK
> configuration GUI, configures JACK to automatically detect hot-plugged USB
> audio devices and allows you to use more than one audio device at a time.
> This is something you will find in no other such utility.
> Future plans for Ubuntu Studio Controls includes configuration of WACOM
> Tablets, which is something currently not available in our default Xfce
> desktop environment.
> Inclusion of PikoPixel
> PikoPixel <> is an easy-to-use
> application for drawing & editing pixel-art.
>    - Unlimited undo
>    - Supports multiple layers
>    - Customizable canvas background and grid patterns
>    - Hotkey-activated popup panels
>    - Export upscaled images
>    - Supports linear (gamma-correct) color blending
> Other Changes
> Among those applications upgraded in this release is GIMP 2.10, which saw
> its release shortly before the release of Ubuntu Studio 18.04. Due to a
> library conflict between GIMP 2.10 and MyPaint, we had to make the hard
> decision to drop MyPaint from the default installation of Ubuntu Studio
> beginning in 18.10, citing other tools, such as Krita, as filling a similar
> role in graphical art production. As such, if both are installed and you
> wish to upgrade to Ubuntu Studio 18.10, *you must uninstall GIMP or
> MyPaint for the upgrade to be successful. *We apologize for this
> inconvenience. At this time, we are waiting for the upstream developers of
> MyPaint to release a new version based on libmypaint 1.3 before both can be
> co-installable again.
> Information on newer packages can be found in the release notes
> <>.
> Regarding Availability of Additional Desktop Environments
> Since Ubuntu Studio is the only official flavor of Ubuntu not tied to a
> desktop environment, we thought it would be a good idea to attempt to offer
> more desktop environments for Ubuntu Studio and provide multiple ISO
> downloads. However, since the Ubuntu infrastructure for flavors is based on
> the desktop environment per flavor structure, we found this to be time and
> effort prohibitive. As such, we have decided to abandon this idea.
> However, it has also been asked how it might be possible to add Ubuntu
> Studio to an existing Ubuntu install. As such, our new goal is to make a
> single package to install which starts that process on any Ubuntu or flavor
> thereof. We hope this lands in Ubuntu Studio 19.04. This means you will be
> able to install any flavor of Ubuntu and add Ubuntu Studio on to it,
> allowing you to work in your favorite desktop environment while having all
> of the benefits of Ubuntu Studio.
> Future goals include providing the optional ability to re-brand your
> installed Ubuntu flavor to Ubuntu Studio along with the under-the-hood
> configurations. Yet another, distant goal is to allow you to install your
> preferred desktop environment at install time from the Xfce-based Live CD
> so long as you have an active Internet connection. Since these are distant
> goals, they are not completely solidified and are subject to change.
> Want to help out?
> Ubuntu Studio is maintained by a very small team and we are actively
> seeking new contributors. We are looking for *developers*, *packagers* and
>  *testers*. Even if you are interested in contributing outside these
> areas, please do not hesitate to reach out. Your contribution is precious
> regardless of your field of activity. We are open to volunteers with all
> expertise levels. Just head over to our contribute
> <> page to find out how to get started.
> Found a bug?
> Taking the time to report bugs makes a huge difference; it’s the first
> step towards improvement! Clear and specific bug reports is the best way to
> get attention to a problem that needs fixing. The easiest way to create a
> bug report is with the terminal.
> Open one up and type: *ubuntu-bug <package>*
> Read more about this at
> Special Thanks For This Release
>    - *Erich Eickmeyer*, Council Chair, Communications, Social Media,
>    Packaging, Documentation
>    - *Len Ovens*, Council Member, Ubuntu Studio Controls main
>    contributor, coding
>    - *Set Hallstrom*, Council Member, Social Media, Guidance
>    - *Eylul Dogruel*, Artwork, Documentation, Communications
>    - *Thomas Pfundt*, Council Member, Documentation
>    - *Peter Reppert*, Ubuntu Studio Audio Handbook author
>    - *Ross Gammon*, Council Member, Guidance, Packaging, Sage Wisdom
>    - *Simon Quigley*, Package Uploading and Guidance
>    - *Ubuntu Studio Wallpaper Contest Winners*
>    - *Our many testers and help along the way*
> --
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