Hi Alan,

On Sun, 2019-06-16 at 14:49 -0600, Alan W. Kerr wrote:
> I have not seen anything about the "status" of using the kxstudio
> repos 
> since the new "18.04 with backports" method has been introduced.
> It used to be that it was "suggested" that you add the kxstudio repos
> to
> Ubuntu Studio and add many of the useful apps.

This is no longer the case. The apps in the KXStudio repos are built
against Ubuntu 14.04, which is 5 years old, meaninng nothing that is
compiled there is guaranteed to work.

Additionally, Cadence has been known to mess with the default audio
configuration in a very intrusive manner.

> One of the these is Claudia.  It is a "studio session manager" and a 
> patchbay (patchage-like), a LADISH frontend, and WAS the preferred
> way 
> of launching jack (not using qjackctl) as an "application autostart" 
> when logging-in.
> by Carla (also a kxstudio app).  I setup Carla to do this but I
> forgot 
> about Claudia...  Things were *rather* strange for a while until I 
> remembered and removed Claudia from the autostart list.  Many things
> got 
> confused when both Claudia and Carla were "setting things up" *and* 
> launching jack...
> So....  what is the "status" of using the kxstudio repos (and apps)?

Our official policy at this point is this: adding the KXStudio
repositories to Ubuntu Studio is NOT supported, and we even consider it
to no longer be Ubuntu Studio at that point. What you have is no longer
Ubuntu Studio. Please do not seek support from this mailing list or
other support methods. At that point, you're on your own, and do not
come to us if your system does not behave as expected

> 1) should we NOT be using them anymore?  if so, what would be the
> best 
> way to remove them?  some apps were installed from "meta packages"
> and 
> we don't want to remove anything Carla needs.

You need to do a complete reinstall and delete the ~/.config and
~/.pulse directories if you save your /home partition (or if it's
separate). As stated above, you are no longer running Ubuntu Studio,
and there is no easy way to remove KXStudio.

> 2) is it "OK" to use them?  if so, are there any to "avoid" due to 
> conflicts with the new/updated 18.04 plus backports apps?

Yes. The new Ubuntu Studio Controls does everything that Cadence can
do. It is now the preferred method for starting and stopping Jack.

> 3) are there apps that are still *preferred* to be used?  obviously,
> the 
> new Carla is preferred. any others?

Use Carla as it's intended: a plugin host and a patchbay. Use Ubuntu
Studio Controls to start/stop Jack.

More information on Ubuntu Studio Controls here: 

Good luck,
Erich Eickmeyer
Project Leader
Ubuntu Studio


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