Hello Robert,

On Sunday, June 26, 2022 3:27:33 PM PDT RW Jones wrote:
> Keywords: graphics; document scanning; Scantailor Advanced; Tesseract-ocr;
> DjVuLibre; pdftk; LibreOffice Calc; default packages; mail-list search

Completely unnecessary in a mailing list, for future reference. :)

> I'm now subscribed to the list and was briefly surveying Ubuntu Studio as
> a possible Linux flavour for a dual-boot with Windows 7 and/or 10 laptops.
> Main interest graphics: scanning / post-scan processing.
> (A) Base package additions?
> Just wondered if there is any appetite for adding to the basic Ubuntu Studio
> main distribution or Ubuntu Studio Installer for use with eg Xubuntu the
> following scan post-processing tools (e.g. optical character recognition;
> cleaning up scanned images; DjVu and pdftk tools) which I've used for some
> years under MS Windows - Studio's standard complement has much on
> audio/video but less coverage on scanning:
> i) Scantailor Advanced (a current version that merges the features of the
> ScanTailor Featured and ScanTailor Enhanced versions, the latter two being
> it seems no longer developed):
> https://github.com/4lex4/scantailor-advanced/

There's something you need to know: Ubuntu Studio is not its own distribution, 
is an offically-recognized alternate configuration of Ubuntu. Therefore, 
we do revolves around Ubuntu and Debian packaging and packaging procedures.

If something is no longer being developed, it's very unlikely you'll find 
anyone to 
package it. As for what is being developed, right now I'm not sure I'm in a 
spot to 
take-on any additional package maintenance myself, but there are definitely 
to get things packaged and sponsored.

For further info, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/NewPackages[1]

> ii) tesseract-ocr for document optical character recognition and pdf
> assembly etc; see e.g.:
> https://github.com/tesseract-ocr/tessdoc

This is already in the repositories and is utilized by a lot of software: 

> iii) DjVuLibre suite preferably including DjView v.4.10.4 as it can export
> from DjVu to pdf rather than just to postscript:
> http://djvu.sourceforge.net/

Oh yes, it's definitely a thing in the software repos: 

> iv) pdftk for operations on pdf including fixing bookmarks etc:
> https://www.pdflabs.com/tools/pdftk-server/

Yes, that one is also there: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/pdftk[4]

> Obviously I imagine I could in due course explore adding these myself to an
> installation if I proceeded but just wanted minimise the learning curve and
> thought of asking here in case others might find it useful to have one or
> more of these added to the default package list.
> (B) LibreOffice Calc and Database:
> I note a commenter stating at
> https://distrowatch.com/table.php?distribution=ubuntustudio
> "Would have given a 10 But they did not include Libreoffice Calc and
> Database? Why Not ??? I use them often."
> I personally concur at least as regards OpenOffice Calc being included in
> (restored to?) the default package list.

We removed Calc them from Ubuntu Studio's ISO (but not Ubuntu as a whole) to 
save space on the ISO image because the ISO image was failing to build before I 
the entirety of Ubuntu to start using ISO level 3 which allows for ISO images 
than 4 GB . It has been added back to Kinetic Kudu, future 22.10.  A slight 
but it's easily reinstalled. We have never carried Base in the default 
installation (at 
least not during my tenure) as it did not fit with the Audio/Video/Photography/
Graphics paradigm. Of course, these components are still in the software 
repositories and are trivial to install.

> (C) Ubuntu Studio mail archive - search function?
> I can't see a search function for Ubuntu Studio, so apologies if this has
> been discussed before but was not found by me:
> https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-studio-users/
> Is a seach function somewhere else? Looked but cannot find.
> Debian users mail list has a support function; one example:
> https://lists.debian.org/cgi-bin/search?P=scantailor&DEFAULTOP=or&B=Gdebian-> 

Again, this is a situation where we, as an official flavor, we are given 
by Canonical, but have no say in what systems are in place.

Thanks for the questions, and I hope I've covered everything.

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