On 13/10/06, Nicholas Butler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> [snip]
> Being able to master a CD  based on one of the Ubuntu flavours to create
> a more 'BCF' Centric response would be ideal. However there are 3 things
> which stop me.
>     a. Technical background
>     b. Knowledge of where and how to get started.
>     c. Patience

There's a good, Dapper-specific, tutorial on how to remaster an Ubuntu
LiveCD at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization/6.06

I think if you take the '/6.06' off the end you get a more generic way
to do things.

> On 13/10/06, Mark Forster <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I wanted to suggest that a Ubuntu distro pre-built
> > with a collection of valuable life science applications would be of value to
> > academic and industrial researchers.
> Building a new ubuntu distro is a big step isn't it?
> Maybe it would be better to start of small, first of all make sure all
> the needed packages are in the repositories, for now is going to have
> to be universe.
> And then create a package that pulls in all the science apps, similar
> to ubuntu-desktop package.
> I don't know much about debian packaging but I imagine it shouldn't be
> too hard to create a package to pull in a group of apps, its just a
> dependency isn't it?

As Dean already said, this is the best way to go about things. There's
a wiki page or several hundred about building packages at
https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/School. Start at the bottom of the list
of already-held tutorials.




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