> They will certainly get a mention though;  anyone remember *anything* else
> about the show?
>       -Paul
Apart from convincing people to line up and lay down and make like an 
Edgy Logo ?
Me being asked if I was jono ! I mean where the heck did that come from ?
the Stand blocking the aisle for both days ( um sorry 
Jokosher/hula/postgres ! )
The Canonical lot asking us for more CDs, see the Support team was 
working already.
Getting Everyone on the Stand and Canonical and MadDog(?) to sign the 
Ubuntu Conference Tshirt, its on its way for Mr Shuttleworth to sign off 
and then up for Auction for Children In Need.
Running out of Medium Sized polo shirts on day 1 .. sorry about that !
The First UKTeam meeting face to face where in we realised that we 
needed a Video App similar in quality and functionaluty to Jokosher.
Alan Cocks being determined to singlehandedly fix the Documentation Bug 
on everyone of our Kubuntu CDs. ( the Trooper ! ) . Hes a great example 
of how to begin to get involved and how to help make things better. Oh 
that and his multi boot Laptop!

other than that .. no . im out of ideas .. sorry



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