On Sat, Nov 04, 2006 at 01:57:17PM +0000, Pete Ryland wrote:
> Currently, Nik Butler is doing a fantastic job as our interim leader.
> However, in the spirit of democracy, it has been suggested that this
> should be confirmed (or denied) by a vote.

By who? Where?

> Might I suggest a deadline of tomorrow evening, Sunday the 5th of
> November 2006, at 23:00 BST to nominate and second any other
> contenders[1] so that we can get this over and done with and move on
> with more important things.

Nope. I'll abstain if that's as haphazard as the voting gets.

> In the case that there is more than one candidate, the vote will be
> decided by a simple majority vote system.

You really need to explain that in more detail. What if there's two and they 
get the same number 
of votes? What if there's three and the first two get the same number of votes? 
Is there a 
second vote? How do the votes for the first round count?

Having a vote proposed with little or no notice and no thought for procedure is 
as good as no 
vote at all.

I do support Nik in his current "role" but do not feel that this is an adequate 
way to vote.

I suggest we leave Nik where he is, doing a damn fine job, and wait until after 
the approval 
procedure to determine:-

a) The voting procuedure
b) The nominees
c) The result.

Rather than the somewhat gung-ho way we seem to be going about things. JFDI or 



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