I C McNab wrote:
> Martin Fitzpatrick wrote:
>> On 29/04/07, I C McNab <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> I wonder if anyone can advise re this.  I'm not getting copies of my own
>>> posts to the list, though my subscription options have this set.
> [SNIP]
>> This because you're using Google Mail. It drops copies of your own
>> mail coming back to you as it already has a copy (from when you sent
>> it).  Unfortunately, if you're not using the web interface that means
>> you don't see the message coming back...
> Martin / Alan >>> Thanks for very speedy replies (and on Sunday morning, 
> too!).  You're right:  I'm using a Googlemail account via pop3/smtp.  I 
> was beginning to wonder whether this might be the issue - thanks for 
> confirming and explaining.  I'll subscribe from a different a/c.
> Many thanks, both.
> --
> Ian

What I do, which is cheating, is just tell my client (Thunderbird) to
save my sent messages to my inbox, where the filtering rules pick it up
and thread it properly.

Steve Garton


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