Neil Greenwood wrote:
> One thing you could look at is using LVM, which can resize the
> partitions later. It's probably not the best thing to try if you're
> new to Linux, especially to use for the / partition.
> The other thing you can do is leave some empty space at the moment, in
> case you guess wrong. You can always move a directory tree (such as
> /usr) to another partition - it's quite easy when using a Live CD, but
> you can do it when the partitions are mounted (but it takes some
> fiddling) - if you want to do the latter, I can dig out a link that
> explains what to do step-by-step.
> Hwyl,
> Neil.

Neil >>> Thanks for the ideas.  I think you're right about LVM - may be 
a bit advanced for me just now.

    I wish I'd had your idea about leaving some space before I went 
ahead.  But never mind - I made / 30Gb, swap 2Gb, and /home got the rest 
of the space.  I guess, if need be, I could split the /home partition, 
which is the last on the drive, and move a directory tree.  I'm hoping 
this won't ever be necessary;  but I'd be grateful if you could send the 
link if you think it might help.

Diolch yn fawr iawn!

Hywl fawr


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