Thanks for the prompt reply! The machine in question is a Dell Vostro
420, the built in sound card as I recall took alot of fiddling (I'm
still learning about OSS/PulseAudio/ALSA phew!) it is a HDA Intel

Wasn't aware of the Dell forum. Thanks for the link

- CW

2009/2/12 Matthew Macdonald-Wallace <>:
> Quoting Chris Weaver <>:
>> Hi All,
>> I'm working through the rather painful process of moving our radio
>> stations (Resonance104.4FM) computers from XP to Ubuntu Intrepid. I
>> won't bore you with multiple problems I'm facing, mainly through Linux
>> ignorance and a little bit of Ubuntu crazyness, but I wondered two
>> things:
>> 1) Is it possible to roll back an update? I broke a perfectly
>> functioning machine but allowing it to update (the kernal is now
>> xxxxxx-23) and now no sound.
> When you boot the machine, you should be able to press ESC which will
> allow you to choose the kernel to boot from.
> If you can specify the machine/hardware etc then we may be able to
> help.  There is a known issue with certain hardware and kernels that
> mean that you have to run a script after the kernel upgrade.
> Check out
> and execute the actions required at the bottom of the page for if you
> are already running Ubuntu_8.04.
>> 2) Does any one have experience with the paid for support offered by
>> Canonical? Is it worth the cost?
> Nope, sorry. :o(
>> P.S Anyone a member of the London LUG?
> Popey will be, that man gets everywhere... :oP
> M.
> --
> Matthew Macdonald-Wallace
> --

Chris Weaver
Production Manager
+44 (0)207 407 1210


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