On 06/08/09 00:51, Sean Miller wrote:
> On Thu, Aug 6, 2009 at 12:35 AM, Gordon<gbpli...@gmail.com>  wrote:
>> Interesting. I'm running RC at the moment and am NOT seeing it "chock full
>> of those really annoying popups " at all.
> a. I ran it for several months under Virtualbox with 512mb allocated
> and it was fine
> b. I don't remember any annoying pop-ups either
> 'night!
> sean

Hmmm, may be I am just uber-sensitive but trying to set up networking 
seemed totally over the top to me. I can't recall the exact procedure I 
remember being led around a recursive loop trying to get a "simple" LAN 
interface configured and constantly being sent back to the "set up a 
home (or office) Windows Network wizard thingemy bob.

Anyway - it looked quite pretty; if you like the child-friendly blue 
hues and very shiny buttons, but £219.99 for a locked down, proprietary 
OS with virtually no applications doesn't float my boat.



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