On Thu, 03 Jun 2010 13:52:11 +0100, Michael Wood <x3n.me...@gmail.com>  

>>>> I vote 'no' to a London skyline.
So do I.

>>> Why, because it's London?

>>> In that case, can you suggest some other imagery that is
>>> distinctively British?
>>> Personally I am not sure that any other British city is iconic enough
>>> to be internationally recognisable.
>>> Stonehenge? (Not very modern or forwards-looking!) Olympics stadium?
>>> (Not finished yet.)
>>> None of the UK mountains are particularly recognisable - I doubt I
>>> could tell Snowdon or Ben Nevis or anything from any other random
>>> mountain in temperate climes. Loch Ness? The Lake District?
>>> --
> The compromise we came up with for the current site is to rotate[1]
> images submitted to us for the header, something similar could be done
> again.
> [1] http://ubuntu-uk.org/dev/headerimages/rotate.php (refresh to rotate)
An ideal solution, and not just because it shows Skeldergate Bridge ;)

Steve (Yorvyk)


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