On 19/11/11 20:33, Chris Rowson wrote:

I did wonder if anyone on the list had responded to the Cabinet Office consultation :-)

I am kind of involved in the process (funny how Ubuntu ended up on the list isn't it? . . .)

It is hugely political, and a bit "Yes Minister"ish but yeah there are issues with the way we interpret the European legislation here, but that is OK. To clarify the "product" thing, my understanding is that they are not going to mandate particular licenses, the lawyers advice is that they think it might be open to legal challenge if they did a procurement and specified they wanted something with a GPLv3 license for example. Funnily enough what they can do is specify in a tender stuff that looks a lot like the four freedoms as business requirements if they want to. I was at a meeting at the Home Office on Wednesday, next one is in January some time but I expect to have other stuff to say before then about the future maintenance of the options list in particular.


Libertus Solutions http://libertus.co.uk


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