
I have been reading recently that Microsoft are removing the requirement for 
hardware manufacturers to provide a secure boot "off" switch, in order to gain 
Windows 10 accreditation. If this comes to pass it will place Linux distros 
entirely at the mercy of Microsoft to sign their authentication keys, otherwise 
they will be shut out from installation on mainstream computers.

Given that Microsoft look like making a lot less money out of the Windows OS 
itself over the coming years, it seems reasonable to assume that they will seek 
to maximise whatever revenue they can generate. This points towards eventually 
shutting out even "approved" Linux distributions. Presumably Apple can do 
exactly the same to prevent installation on Macs.

If this comes to pass I have to admit to not having a clear view of where this 
will leave us. The only possibilities I can see are:

1) Being confined to installing on Chromebooks
2) Being forced to use more expensive specialist hardware (e.g hardware 
designed primarily to be a server)
3) A move to ARM-powered devices

I stress I am not an expert on this so my outlook may be unduly pessimistic, 
but it would be interesting to get the views of anyone with more insight into 
the implications.

Could something akin to Wubi be a way around the problem, albeit far from ideal?

I suppose ultimately I am looking for some reassurance that Linux on the 
desktop is not being forced onto a road to nowhere.


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