On 7 February 2016 at 13:35, David Goldsbrough <da...@boavon.plus.com>
> Disk /dev/mapper/ubuntu--vg-root: 57.6 GB, 57612959744 bytes

This is the device for your LVM-based root volume

> Disk /dev/mapper/ubuntu--vg-swap_1: 2139 MB, 2139095040 bytes

This is your swap device (also in the LVM)

> sudo pvdisplay
> --- Physical volume ---
> PV Name /dev/sda5
> VG Name ubuntu-vg

We need to resize this and then expand your root volume.

First we resize the partition by deleting it and recreating it (sounds

Step 1.

   1. start `fdisk /dev/sda` and type "d" followed by enter and then "3"
   and again press enter. This deletes the partition.
   2. Now we recreate it with "n" followed by enter and then accepting the
   3. Finally we need to tell the system that this is an LVM partition by
   typing "t", enter, "3", enter and finally "8e" then enter again. This
   should have replaced your 50GB partition with one that takes up all the
   space available on the disk.
   4. type "w" and press enter to write the changes and quit fdisk.

Step 2. We now need to resize the LVM data inside the partition as without
doing so LVM will still only see 50GB. So we need to `pvresize /dev/sda5`.

For the final two steps we need to resize the Logical Volume holding your
root filesystem and then the root filesystem itself:

Step 3. First the volume on which the filesystem resides: lvextend
-l+100%FREE /dev/mapper/ubuntu--vg-root

Step 4. Finally the filesystem itself: resize2fs /dev/mapper/ubuntu--vg-root

You should be done now, but you can run an `fsck
/dev/mapper/ubuntu--vg-root` to be sure that the filesystem is still
working before rebooting.

    The Honeymonster Daniel Llewellyn

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