Il 23 luglio 2014 13:42:38 Jody Bruchon <> ha scritto:

On 7/22/2014 11:30 PM, Steve Bennett wrote:> I would like to add my
support to Thomas' position.
 > Regardless of what happens with glibc and/or musl, an active community
 > supporting regular releases of uClibc is a good thing.
 > Time has spoken that we can't expect this to happen unless something

I agree. It is better to have a responsive maintainer releasing periodic
"stable" versions than to have what is essentially no maintainer and
sustained long-term fragmentation of what "uClibc" really is. If the
uClibc maintainer wakes up in the future and begins releasing again, the
new project's changes can always be merged back to the parent, as they
did with eglibc and glibc. For now we need to focus on making a stable
release, something which is grossly overdue and harms all projects
currently using uClibc.

I also agree that musl is an interesting project with a bright future
(and a bright present for that matter), but it does not cover all of
what uClibc covers and the number of projects that already require
uClibc is too large to simply drop uClibc and move to musl.

-Jody Bruchon

Are we considering anyway that Bernard has recently restarted with patches review and commit without no contribution from the other co-maintainers (myself the first) ?
Likely Bernard is already preparing a release !
I understand that some comments from Bernard could help to clarify and re-assure the community that uclibc is an alive project still supported. I'm guilty as well as I'm not contributing so actively since one year when my focus @ STMicro has hugely moved from C lib to kernel, but my bandwidth is too low nowadays. I do really hope this project will continue to be used and receive adequate support from the community also providing some acked-by to patches. I do not frankly like that anytime the community raise correctly I'd say concerns against the slowness of releases, it the occasion to push for other C libs; this is not the way to support uClibc project, so please discuss about the wonderful X lib on its own list, not here.

Kind regards,
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