Quoth Claude:
> I've got an stupid question, I think: Given a uclinux release, how
> patches are applied?
> I always have avoided patching code by downloading the latest
> releases, but I think I should learn how to patch them.

This doesn't exactly answer your question, but probably the easiest thing to
do is something like this:

1. Unpack a "clean" version of the release you already have.
2. Run a "make clean" in your current source tree (to get rid of files that
get autogenerated).
3. Run a diff between the clean version and your current source tree (in
that order) to generate a patch containing your changes to the dist.
4. Hand edit the patch (if necessary) to remove files/changes that shouldn't
have been included.
5. Unpack the latest (full) version of the dist.
6. Apply your patch (use --pretend first, to verify the changes are
compatible!) to bring your modifications into the new dist tree.

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