Quoth Bob Grimes:
> I had tried this because of comments such as yours, Gavin (no, I am
> most certainly NOT blaming you! :) ) in a last attempt to get C++ apps
> to work, but that killed everything.  (Well, okay, not everything, but
> damn, I couldn't even change or list directories!).

Well, it'll do that if there's any mixing of PIC and non-PIC code, which is
why you need to clean thoroughly in between.  (Incidentally, changing
product types back and forth in the main menuconfig seems to do a more
thorough clean -- but bear in mind that this will also delete your .config
files, so make sure you "update default vendor config" first to preserve

> So I'm back to re-writing all my library code in C.  *sigh*  I know
> I'm new to this scene, but it sure would have been nice to know how
> painful it would be to use C++ before I went down that path.

If it makes you feel better, C library code is usually smaller than the C++
code, since g++ has an annoying habit of redundantly duplicating constructor
bodies, and there's extra overhead for exception management.

(And yes, I wish this wasn't the case too.  I still have the main app in
C++, because that's just simpler, but a lot of supporting libraries and
small utilities are written in plain C for these sorts of reasons.)

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