Quoth Greg Ungerer:
> Well in this sense there is no "libraries". You lost any notion of
> them at the link stage. With no shared libraries all you have is
> the final binaries. (Yes each will contain some of code that was in
> the build library archives).

That's my point though.  If linking to the libc statically gives an overhead
of ~30KB to each program (which is about what it is with uClibc on m68k
IIRC, at least with the options I was using), then if you have N binaries
you're "wasting" (N-1)*30KB of flash space (this is *very* approximate, as
different programs will link in different amounts of the libc, but there
will usually be quite a bit of overlap).  If flash space is limited, as N
gets large (as you add diagnostic or scripting tools, for example) you start
to run out of room.

Whereas if you combine things, maybe you've now got M binaries (where M is
small) each using ~50KB overhead (since your single program is now including
more of the libc by combining otherwise separate functions).  The waste is
now (M-1)*50KB, but where N is significantly larger than M you're still
saving flash space in the end.  (Again, this is simplified.)

(This also applies to other libraries as well, I'm just using the libc as an
example because it's ubiquitous.)

> Anytime you have "larger" RAM requirements you are much
> more likely to hit memory fragmentation as a problem.


> Small is better.

It's a tradeoff.  (Of course, in an ideal world, you'd just add more flash
and then stick with small binaries.  But that's not always possible.)

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