David McCullough wrote:
Jivin rwarner lays it down ...
Markus Franke wrote:
Zitat von rwarner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

I prefer #uclinux as this is much more intuitive than the hyphenated version.

No one uses either so it's really a moot issue. Maybe a forum type setup with multiple areas to separate out some of the discussions. I think the non-usage is due to the highly distributed nature of where we are all located. ML or forum structure fits this best. Problem with a ML is you get every single mail that may or may not pertain to something you are working on with respect to the uclinux dist and or kernel. Note other ML try to setup multiple ML, but this becomes unwieldy with any break down into upper level subject matter(s).

Some example forum topics would be ....
eg 'NoMMU vs MMU', 'configuration' and 'patches' to name a few

My vote for #uclinux.

I would also consider asking the guys at Arcturus if they could add the
IRC channel info to the lists auto added "footer" somehow.

I think some of the reason none of the IRC's have picked up is because no
one knows about them,  and if they do a search they are likely to find
several and not know which one would work best for them.  I think
including it in the footer of all uClinux-dev mailings could help people
remember/locate it (I know it's extra noise in the mail but it wouldn't
bother me though),

Will do


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