Jivin Jan Ringoš lays it down ...
> Hi everyone,
> I was investigating why some of my processes use too much memory than  
> expected (just by looking at /proc/pid/status), and found interesting  
> relation to stack size (set with elf2flt). I prefer to use stack wherever 
> possible instead of dynamic allocations for speed and to decrease 
> potential for memory leaks, but the numbers below somewhat confused me.

On a !MMU system,  using the stack is not such a good idea IMO. 
The stack is fixed and must be allocated. Having a large stack just to cope
with a config file parse or some other temporary use is just wasteful
and forces you applications runtime memory usage to be higher than needed.

> If I leave the stack at 4 kB, the memory usage is 40 kB for this 
> particluar program.
> If I increase it to 32 kB, the memory usage jumps up to 250 kB or so.
> I also tried to use 128 kB high stack, then the memory use happened to be 
> over 500 kB.
> In /proc/pid/maps I see that the most of this memory is single large 
> mapped block.
> How can 28 kB of stack increase result in 200 kB of memory more being used?
> Or am I completely missing something else?

Sounds like you are using a power-of-2 allocator in your kernel.

Take all your sizes,  add them together then round up to the next power-of-2
to get the minimum size you will allocate.

Though that doesn't quite add up in this case though,  but it will get you a
lot closer.


David McCullough,  david_mccullo...@securecomputing.com,  Ph:+61 734352815
McAfee - SnapGear  http://www.snapgear.com                http://www.uCdot.org
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