
I've been trying for days to get i2c-dev working properly. I have everything I 
need according to instructions, but for some reason I keep getting errors at 
ioctl. I'm using OpenWRT on a atheros platform. Everything is compiling 
properly without error but I am getting ioctl errors out the wazoo.


        //TEST BEGIN
        int file;

        //Open i2c dev
        if(file = open( "/dev/i2c-0", O_RDWR )<0)
                enabled = -1;
                printf("Unable to open file /dev/i2c-0.\n");
                printf("Opened file /dev/i2c-0.\n");
                enabled = 1;

        printf("File is %d\n",file);

        if( ioctl( file, I2C_SLAVE, 0x4b ) < 0 )
                printf("Error opening file: %s\n", strerror( errno ) );
                printf("Open chip %d FAILED file %d\n", 0x4b, file);
                printf("Open chip %d Succeeded file %d\n",0x4b, file);


At the level of ioctl(file, i2C_SLAVE,address) I get the following error: 
"Error opening file: Invalid argument". So I'm successfully opening /dev/i2c-0 
but I can't do a ioctl to the specific chip address. I've already verified the 
chip address using i2cdetect, and I've also verified that I can read/write with 
the other i2ctools suite. 

What am I missing? 

I am including the i2c-dev.h file from the the i2c-tools package. I just put it 
in my src directory and I #include "i2c-dev.h" as my final include in my .cpp 
file. All the defines and functions are configuring correctly, so I imagine 
it's included right. But I wonder if I need to compile the i2c-dev.h file 
separately or in a different way than my other code?

I am compiling with -O2 as I understand that's somehow required. Not sure if 
there needs to be anything else special in my make file since everything is 
building correctly without errors.


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