UdmSearch version: 3.1.7
Platform:          i586
OS:                RH Linux 6.2 / 2.2.16
Database:          MySQL 9.38 / 3.22.32

Severity: cosmetic. 

The search page reports results +1. E.g. if 20 results per page are requested, the 
caption on the results page will say "Displaying documents 1-21 of xxx found". If less 
than one page worth of results are found, the caption will increase them by 1, e.g. 
"Displaying documents 1-4 of 3 found".

Similarly, in the bottom of the first results page, links appear to subsequent pages 
even when all the results fit in the first page. E.g., if only three results have been 
returned, there will still be a link like "<< Previous 1 2 3 Next >>" at the bottom of 
the page, where "Previous" and "Next" are dead, but 2 and 3 are live and point to a 
page containing the last result of the three already shown. 

For a live example go to and search for 


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