Author: Zenon Panoussis

If MirrorRoot is specified in indexer.conf, 
mnogosearch copies the files it indexes to 
directories such as mirror_root/http/domain/dir .
I can see three possible improvements in the 
mirroring behaviour. The first two should be easy 
to fix, while the third is more of a long-term 

1. The ../http/.. directory could be eliminated. 
   Not only is it unnecessary, but it also gives 
   an ugly directory structure if you would want 
   to actually make the mirror accessible to 
2. Only files that are actually indexed are 
   mirrored. This is very sensible for indexing 
   purposes, but it defeats other possible uses 
   of a mirror, such as backup or protection of 
   a site from being forcefully taken down. There 
   should be a MirrorAll command to override the 
   Allow and Dissallow commands and force *all* 
   files to be mirrored, while the Allow and 
   Disallow commands still apply to what is 
   actually indexed. 
3. If the indexer can be used as a combined 
   mirroring and indexing tool, then functionality  
   could be added to translate internal absolute 
   links to either relative links or translated 
   links.  E.g., if I would index and mirror the 
   mnogosearch site , the indexer could translate 
   all links in 
   the mirrored pages to /whatever or to 
   http://mysite/mirrors/whatever. I suspect that 
   lots of the code for this could be taken from 
   the wget code. 



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