
I jumped into Alex code and found the reason why indexer has different behavior with 
same conf file, except server lines.

When indexing localdata, indexer has to determine by itself the mime type. For this, 
it is using the AddType lines. So, all unknowns are usually dealed with 
application/unknown Alex provides in its default config file.

But, when indexer gets files on Internet, it is using to compare mime types 
(UdmExecParser system call) the mime type provided by the httpd.

Alex, couldn't it be nice to setup a bypassing system for remote mime types ?
As you know, mime types are only suffixes associations. For example, if you have a 
.tot binary file, httpd will send this is octet stream.

Personally, I dont trust mime types from Windows boxes because suffix means nothing. 
This is why my script is using the unix file feature. This command is determining file 
types using signatures of the data IN the file, and not the suffix.

So I suggest to add a feature we could call as 'ignore httpd mime types yes/no' to 
help creating parsing programs able to deal with most of files.

Thanks for your comments


Laurent LEVIER
IT Systems & Networks, Unix System Engineer
Security Specialist

Argosnet Security Server : http://www.Argosnet.com
"Le Veilleur Technologique", "The Technology Watcher"

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