
 We would like to announce 3.1.9 release of mnoGoSearch.

>From ChangeLog:

24 January 2001: 3.1.9

  Substring search has been added. It works in "single" and
"multi" modes in both SQL and built-in versions. As far as other
modes use CRC32 for words storage they do not support substring search. 

Allow, Disallow, CheckOnly, HrefOnly, Realm, AddType
commands has been extended to support fast "string match"
comparison instead of "regexp match". This improve indexer
speed up to several times. Note that "string match" comparison
type is default, this makes old indexer.conf files incompatible
with 3.1.9 version. Check your indexer.conf and change it if
required. Take a look into indexer.conf-dist for explanation. 
Allow, Disallow, CheckOnly, HrefOnly now can take three
optional parameters and understand this syntax: 
"Allow match/nomatch case/nocase string/regex arg [arg...]".

AllowNoMatch, AllowCS, AllowCSNoMatch, DiallowNoMatch,
DisallowCS, DisallowCSNoMatch, HrefOnlyNoMatch,
HrefOnlyCS, HrefOnlyCSNoMatch, CheckOnlyNoMatch,
CheckOnlyCS, CheckOnlyCSNoMatch indexer.conf commands
have been removed. 

New AliasProg indexer.conf command has been added. It
allows to process URL through an external aliasing command. 

Server and Realm commands has been extended to support
powerful aliasing mechanisms. Take a look into doc/alias.txt 

"StopwordTable table_name" indexer.conf and search.htm
command has been added."stopword" table isn't read
automatically anymore. 

"StopwordFile" indexer.conf and search.htm command has been
added. It loads stop-words from a text file insteat of loading from
SQL database. This command works in both built-in and SQL versions. 

Ispell code has been extended to support prefixes. 

IspellUsePrefixes indexer.conf and search template commands
has been added. 

A bug in ispell code with incorrect regular expression checking has
been fixed. 

Affix table data format has been changed. All users who use
"IspellMode db" have to reimport affix table. 
indexer.conf variable 'IspellMode' has been added. Now indexer
can use 'IspellMode db' the same as search.cgi. 

"lang" tag attribute support has been added. Tags like <P
now take part in language guessing. 

New "fw" search form variable has been added. It can be used
to change different document sections (body,title,keywords,
description) weights at search time or to choose sections to
search through. Check search.htm-dist as an example and refer
to doc/search.txt for futher information. 

indexer has been fixed to properly process some URLs. For
example those with special characters:
    http://www.something.com/script.cgi?coord=12&amp;14 ->

"cache mode" now support quick search with tag, category and
site limits. "cache mode" storage format has been changed. It is
now incompatible with previous version. Take a look into
doc/cachemode.txt for more information. 

"cache mode" log server "cachelogd" has been added. Now
indexer makes TCP connect to cachelogd at startup. Cachlogd
allows to run several simultanious indexers even on different

New "LogdAddr" indexer.conf command has been added. 

"HLBeg" and "HLEnd" search.htm variable has been added. By
using it you can specify how to hilight the words founded. HLBeg
is prepended before the word. HlEnd is appended after the
word. Defaults are "<b>" and "</b>" to comply with previous

UseRemoteContentType indexer.conf variable has been added.
This command specifies if the indexer should get content type
from http server headers (yes) or from it's AddType settings (no).
If set to 'no' and the indexer could not determine content-type by
using its AddType settings, then it will use http header. Default is

Turkish iso-8859-9 and windows-1254 character sets support
has been added. Thanks Oyku Gencay <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>. 

Modified version of connect() with timeout has been added to be
more sensitive with network problems. 

New "DocTimeout" indexer.conf command has been added. It
limits total amount of time for each document fetching. 

Title, keywords and description inside <!--UdmComment--> are
not indexed anymore. 

Major memory leak in InterBase driver has been fixed. Thanks
mordicus <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>. 

A bug that some SQL error messages were not displayed in
search.cgi has been fixed. 

A bug that paths from robots.txt where not escaped before
adding into database has been fixed. 

ftp code improvements and minor bug fixes. 

Fixed that boolean search was not work in built-in database. 

Some code clean-ups which fixes compilation warnings. 

Call for possibly broken strptime() removed from search_tl.c 

A bug that DBPort command didn't not work with MySQL has
been fixed. MySQL driver has been changed to use
mysql_real_connect() instead of mysql_connect(). 

New -g command line argument has been added to indexer.
Now one is able to tell indexer which category to index. 

External parsers code has been rewritten. It now supports four
parser types: STDIN->parser->STDOUT,
FILE->parser->STDOUT, STDIN->parser->FILE,
FILE->parser->FILE. indexer now creates UDM_URL
environment variable with a URL being processed as a value
when executing external parser. Several bugs has been fixed
and some more features has been added. Take a look in
doc/parsers.txt for more information. 

New exec: and cgi: virtual schemes. cgi: allows to index CGI
scripts wihtout having to involve HTTP server in indexing
process. exec: scheme allows to use external retrival programs
to index protocols which are not natively supported by
mnoGoSearch, for example HTTPS. 

Documentation updates. 

   Please take 3.1.9 from our site http://search.mnogo.ru/
   Fill free to give feedback.

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