--- Zenon Panoussis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Author: Zenon Panoussis
> Message:
> > > The search works very nicely, but it returns a tremendous 
> > > amount of quoted document data...
> > Can I take a look on your search page?
> Yes. Go to http://search.freewinds.cx and use "New search". 
> Search for the word "something" and format "Long" and you'll 
> get a results page that's almost half a megabyte. 
> BTW, there is some other strange behaviour there. Searching 
> for beginning of word or substring doesn't work at all. Ispell 
> is not enabled, but as I understand it doesn't need to be either. 

i tried it and it returned about 3 line of text per item returned.
which seems normal. i diddn't get the whole article thing like you
said. this is on feb 2 @ 9am gmt -06:00.
Search results: something : 13133
Search time: 0.410 seconds.
 Displaying documents 1-20 of total 13133 found.  

1. Deaths at Flag (Scientology ?Dianetics) [1]
Last updated: July 24, 2000 Lisa McPherson Lisa McPherson (36) Room 174
Heribert Pfaff (31) Room 758 Josephus Havenith (45) Room 771 L. Ron
Hubbard (founder and guru of Scientology): "We are actually the first
people that do know a gre...

http://www.b-org.demon.nl/scn/tour/11-deaths-at-flag.html (text/html)
Mon, 24 Jul 2000 14:51:25 GMT, 103059 bytes 

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