Author: Julio Galaret
When searching words in spanish (accentuated characters, ñ) with search.cgi I get 
results like the following:

If I search for «España», search.cgi breaks the word in two parts, searching for 
«Espa» and also for «a», ignoring «ñ».

The two parts don't seem to be independent from each other since «a» is a stopword but 
it is not detected as being a stopword.

If I search only for «a», the word is detected as being stopword.

The same if I search for «psicología». Search.cgi searches for «psicolog» and «a», 
omiting «í» (accented).

The words are correctly indexed since searches performed with search.PHP3 gives 
accurate results, searching and returning results for «España», «psicología», etc, not 
fragmenting the words.

I'm using stable version (3.0.22) but the same is applied for development version 

It seems to be a persistent bug in search.cgi through different versions of Udm/Mnogo 
Search Engine.

Or perhaps I'm doing something wrong...

Any help would be appreciated

Thank you!

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