Ché, no encuentro el VLC...está bajo algún nombre funky?


On Sat, Sep 17, 2011 at 1:55 PM, Pablo Oddera <>wrote:

> pkg set-publisher -p
> Enjoy it
> On Sat, Sep 17, 2011 at 1:47 PM, Hernan Saltiel <>wrote:
>> No te copás, y pasás los datos del repo de SFE? Ocurre que en mi máquina
>> no aparece luego del upgrade...
>> Salutte,
>> HeCSa.
>> On Sat, Sep 17, 2011 at 1:38 PM, Pablo Oddera <>wrote:
>>> La lista de software agregada en el repo de SFE es muy prometedora:
>>>    - *AbiWord* (2.8.6)
>>>    - *Apache* (2.2.16)
>>>    - *Arora* (0.11.0)
>>>    - *BIND* (9.8.1)
>>>    - *Blender* (2.49.2)
>>>    - *ClamAV* (0.97.1)
>>>    - *Drupal* (7.7)
>>>    - *GCC* (4.6.1)
>>>    - *Graphviz* (2.26.3)
>>>    - *FlightGear* (2.4.0)
>>>    - *ImageMagick* (6.7.2-6)
>>>    - *Inkscape* (0.48.1)
>>>    - *Java JDK* (1.6.0_26)
>>>    - *Mplayer* (2.0.99)
>>>    - *mpg123* (1.13.3)
>>>    - *MySQL* (5.1.37)
>>>    - *Netatalk* (2.2.0
>>>    - *OpenSSL* (1.0.0d)
>>>    - *Perl* (5.12.3)
>>>    - *PHP* (5.2.12)
>>>    - *PostgreSQL* database (9.0.4)
>>>    - *Python* (3.2.2)
>>>    - *Qt* (4.7.2)
>>>    - *Samba* (3.5.5)
>>>    - *Scribus* (1.4.0)
>>>    - *Stellarium* (0.11.0)
>>>    - *Sylpheed* (3.1.1)
>>>    - *Tightvnc* (1.3.10)
>>>    - *VLC* (1.1.11)
>>>    - *Wine* (1.1.44 (stable) & 1.3.28 (dev))
>>>    - *x264* (20110827)
>>>    - *XFCE* desktop environment (4.8.3)
>>> On Sat, Sep 17, 2011 at 1:16 PM, Pablo Oddera <>wrote:
>>>> debo decir que hasta ahora se vino portando muy bien. Tiene muuuchas
>>>> aplicaciones nuevas que son necesarias para una experiencia placentera. VLC
>>>> es probablemente una de las mas esperadas. Funciona bien, lástima que se me
>>>> traba un poco con los MKV de 1080p, voy a tener que cambiar la placa de
>>>> video y el monitor. Bahh, el monitor, no. Tengo que ver como funciona el
>>>> HDMI en Openindiana!!
>>>> Saludos
>>>> On Sat, Sep 17, 2011 at 1:01 PM, Hernan Saltiel <>wrote:
>>>>> Para que tengan!!!
>>>>> Salutte,
>>>>> HeCSa.
>>>>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>>>>> From: Alasdair Lumsden <>
>>>>> Date: Thu, Sep 15, 2011 at 12:13 PM
>>>>> Subject: [Openindiana-announce] Announcing OpenIndiana Build 151a
>>>>> To:
>>>>> (Reposting this as apparently it didn't get posted to the list - the
>>>>> release was actually yesterday rather than today)
>>>>> The wait is over.
>>>>> Today, the OpenIndiana project is pleased to announce the next
>>>>> development release of the open source, enterprise operating system.
>>>>> OpenIndiana build 151a is now available for 32- and 64-bit x86
>>>>> systems. We hope you're as excited as we are for the first complete
>>>>> platform for servers and desktops that offers the full power of the
>>>>> virtualisation, observability, management, networking, and storage
>>>>> technologies from the illumos project.
>>>>> Download it today:
>>>>>**download <>
>>>>> Head over to the release notes for the full details:
>>>>> This milestone also marks the one-year anniversary of our first
>>>>> release. Look for our first stable release in the near future!
>>>>> Congratulations to all involved, and thanks to everyone in the illumos
>>>>> community for your support!
>>>>> -Albert
>>>>> ______________________________**_________________
>>>>> OpenIndiana-announce mailing list
>>>>> OpenIndiana-announce@**<>
>>>>> --
>>>>> HeCSa
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>>>>> ug-aosug mailing list
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>>> ug-aosug mailing list
>> --
>> HeCSa

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