War not Acholi affair, says UPC
Uganda People’s Congress (UPC) wants President Yoweri Museveni to apologise to the whole country over the war in northern Uganda.
Adonia Tiberondwa, the UPC head of political affairs, said in a statement yesterday that the war in northern Uganda is not an Acholi or Langi affair and scoffed at the president’s apology to those people as “hollow and tribalistic”.
“Museveni should realise that the 16-year-old war in Northern Uganda is not an Acholi or Lango war because the people who have died or suffered as a result of the war are not Langi or Acholi only. They come from all parts of Uganda,” Tiberondwa said.
The president, while meeting MPs from Acholi and Lango in Gulu Nov. 2, apologised to the people of northern Uganda for failing to protect them from Kony rebels and promised that the suffering the people in the area had endured would come to end. He vowed not to leave his Gulu base until peace had been restored to the region.
See Museveni Apologises To Acholi And Langi (The Monitor) Nov. 4.
But yesterday Tiberondwa said: “Museveni should apologise to the whole of Uganda for his mismanagement of the country which has led to the shedding of human blood not only in Acholi and Lango but in Uganda as a whole.
“People who are being killed in northern Uganda are human beings whether they are UPDF soldiers or LRA rebels. Human blood is precious and we should not rejoice whenever that blood is shed.” Tiberondwa reminded the president that billions of taxpayer’s money from all over the country is being spent on the war and they have a right to apologies from the president.

November 07, 2002 02:12:44


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