The writer, one Adyeri Karamagi from Hoima, wants to blame Makerere for the mess it is in now!!

Far from the truth!!

The time when Makerere was a "world class" institution was when there was some funding coming in from the National Treasury.
This is no more!!
Now, not only has Makerere to educate but to generate all its funding!!

There is no country in the world that has gone this idiotic route with their educational institutions!! Even private Universities in the West must find donors to rely on.

In fact the folks who run Makerere should be conglatulated for holding on up to this far.
You take away the funding and you get the mess we now see. You should even expect it to get worse!!

Is it Ugandans who are doing this to our country? I say no!!

For seven years Rwigyema, Kagame, Bayingana etc..... emptied our treasury to build an army to take them to Rwanda, Congo, etc....
They even uprooted Nyntil Jinja to Kigali!!

When Tiny Rowland the jew was giving money, a Lear Jet, diplomatic support and guns to the NRM bandits in Luwero, was he doing it for our own interests?

Dr. Munini cries that mu7 has gone bad.

No, mu7 has never changed. Give some credit to the devil!!
You really believe that he and Tiny Rowland had our interests at heart in decimating Luwero?

The few enterprises that would have brought in some money, like UEB, Uganda Cement Corp, UCB etc... have been taken by foreigners, i.e. the British Draculas, the Boers from SA, some criminal Indians, Serbs and all manner of criminals.

The rot at Makerere is the symptom for all this abuse.

But how do we get out of this mayhem?

Some think that if only we can remove mu7, then our problems will be solved. I dont think so!

Others see salvation in stupid fetishes like "capitalism", democracy etc....
Why the exclusive focus on the process rather than substance?

And how come we have cried about all the rulers we have had since independence?

The Gang in Mengo never liked Ben Kiwanuka (when he insisted in the London Independence
Conference, on putting to paper the roles of the different branches and levels of government.)

They later celebrated "ebyaffe" with Obote.
(Abu Mayanja still says he has never seen such a banquet in his life, as the one put on by Sir Edward Muteesa!!)

Obote started as a darling and went out a devil!! Same to all the rest!!

It is time to, may be restructure the way we govern ourselves. (The way forward is not regurgitating Abu Mayanja's
nonsensical concept of "Federo" ) A "Federo" worked out by these hyenas will just bring us more pain!!
If need be, it has to be our own "Federo" . But also just a Federo is no panacea.

So Dear friends and all, even if we have not as yet thrown mu7, we must lay down and insist on a programme of action for him to implement. We cannot afford to leave our destiny in the hands of hungrey slave masters like Clare Short and all fuck'n dogs.

"Ivinicus factus sum veritabem diceus." ( I have become an enemy for speaking the truth ) St Paul!
Mitayo Potosi

From: Omar Kezimbira <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: ugnet_: Makerere teetering on the edge of a deadly precipice
Date: Wed, 6 Nov 2002 15:53:24 -0800 (PST)


Makerere teetering on the edge of a deadly precipice!

MUK VC: Prof John Ssebuwufu

SIR—The latest issue of the Sunday Vision carried an article about Makerere university entitled “The tower is falling”.

Makerere’s motto is “We Build For The Future”. This future is teetering on the edge of a deadly precipice. I request the emerging universities in this country to steer clear of Makerere’s folly.

Makerere was once one of Africa’s finest universities and her fame was world class. Today, makerere is in the grip of a malignant cancer which the Senate, the University Council and the Ministry of Education need to address urgently.

The cancer that is bringing Makerere to heel is greed for money. Ever since the scheme of evening programmes started, Makerere lost all semblance of sanity. Makerere is not the only university in the world which offers evening classes but it is probably the only one which conducts lectures on Sundays, Saturdays and at 7am!

Why are such extreme measures necessary? The reason is simple. While a day in Uganda is 24 hours as is the case anywhere else in the world, the aberrant objectives of makerere’s administrators simply cannot fit in a 24-hour day.

Evening classes are dominated by 90% working people who must leave office at 5pm. Many lectures begin at 5pm. This means many students must miss the lecture which starts at 5pm or must escape from work to beat the traffic jams in order to be at Makerere by 5pm. As for the 7am lectures, I leave it to the imagination of the reader.

The planners of Makerere are behaving like taxi drivers on many upcountry routes. A vehicle which is registered to carry 14 passengers, merrily carries 22 and there is always room for one more!

While the physical facilities and the human resources at Makerere have not been significantly increased, the number of new courses introduced is amazing. Now, there is an Ibo saying that if you boast of 200 yams when you only have 100, you will have to eat your lies when your yams run out.

What has happened is that time management at Makerere has become impossible. There are clashing lectures which are officially known to be clashing but no one can do anything about it!

Therefore, students miss lectures for which they have paid and it seems to be the most normal thing in the world! For crying out loud, what message is makerere sending out to the world? Is it impossible to conduct evening classes without making the whole exercise a circus?

Makerere must now strike a balance between upholding her integrity as an academic institution of repute and a commercial concern whose priority is money, money and more money. If you visit faculty notice boards at Makerere, you will be appaled by the number of students who have to resit examinations.

It is imperative that makerere does something about its admissions. Another sore point is the way examinations are conducted. In fact, the 7,000 scouts who are going to oversee PLE, “O” and “A” level exams should be tripled to handle Makerere University as well.

Many working people pay “mercenaries” to do exams for them because they don’t have the time for the rat race although they want the degrees badly! Is this the way Makerere University is going to build for the future? What a great future it will be!

Adyeri Karamagi

Published on: Thursday, 7th November, 2002

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