Brothers and Sisters,

Sometime ago, comrade James Ssemakula posted this New York Times article.

It seems really the two French twins, the subject of the article, are fraudlent.

That aside, the impression I get from this article is that 'Inflationary Cosmology' is Bicupuli science.

A conclusion of that magnitude must, never, ever be drawn from a mere newspaper. Any newspaper.

In regard to the actual subject matter of 'Inflationary Cosmology' - a most profound branch of
inquiry ( may be the most proufound of all time) - this article cites neither credible sources nor
credible personalities, which is OK as it should be in most newpaper articles on Science.

But some of the most prominent scientists have spent their lives engaged in this area.
Many are members of the 'American Academy of Sciences', or other organizations
with more less similar reputation.

Thus, it is very troubling to even remotely associate this field with 'bichupuli science'.

Indeed this New York Times article alludes to matters of 'testability' of this theory.

But by its very nature, this is the only scientific theory in human history that is not testable.
( why ? because it deals with pre-matter or pre-space-time)!

It is a glimpse at "A final Theory/ a theory to explain everything", according to its
proponents. or (the mother of all scientific theories, in the language of the street).

That same aspect of un-testability however sends the so-called philosophers of science
into convulsion.

They have termed proponents of Inflation as dwellers in a Platonic cave who see the
shadows for reality. (that is an insult by the way)

For those interested in this very broad, deep and very controversal area look at:

Karl Popper (1902 - 1994) The logic of Scientific discovery.
Thomas Kuhn(1922 - 1996)
Ian Hacking ( as a young man this guy Hacking passed through Kilembe mines, as an
engineer - yes we are sitting on top of the wealth of humanity if you dont believe it)

and if you want to be a scientifically inquisitive/informed citizen - look at some of the proponents:-

Steven Weinberg at

Andre Linde - Stanford.

You owe yourself to read about collapsing dimensions, quantum fluctuations before (the) big bang,
false-vacuums and an infinity of other universes out there.

Finally I want to profoundly thank Brother James Ssemakula for bringing to us such beautiful things.

Indeed I kindly ask Charles Onyango Obbo to try him as our Monitor Science correspondent.

May be we would be spared the indignity of reading Monitor 'science' articles from folks just off the street.

Bichupuli science?

French Physicists' Cosmic Theory Creates a Big Bang of Its Own

November 9, 2002 By DENNIS OVERBYE

Scientists have been debating whether Drs. Igor and Grichka Bogdanov are geniuses or simply earnest scientists who are in over their heads and spouting nonsense.

"Ivinicus factus sum veritabem diceus." ( I have become an enemy for speaking the truth ) St Paul!
Mitayo Potosi

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