12 Killed In American Chopper Down
Nov 19, 2002

In Afghan province Khost, five coalition troops were killed and several injured when a bomb exploded at the new airport at Bagh Sira. Three rockets were also fired at the old aiport during the night. Two americans were killed in an attack by unknown assailants in Bagram and a helicopter was shot down in Shah-i-kot, killing all the twelve Americans on board.

According to details, yesterday night a bomb exploded in Khost's new airport Bagh Sira at a point with coalition troops present, which killed five coaltion troops and injured several. According to the sources here, to keep the losses secret, authorities have banned the entrance of civilians into the airport area. The seconds incident happened at the old airport, where unknown assailants fired three rockets during the night, resulting in chaos. Losses due to this attacks could not be confirmed.

Meanwhile, the first successfull attack by Northern Alliance on an American military patrol in Koh Sani near Bagram Airbase resulted in two American deaths and four sevrely injured. The American soliders were travelling in a group of four vechicles and were on a mission to capture and destroy heavy ammunition from the former commander Maulan Zabeeh Ullah Shaheed's area. The attackers used rockets on their counterparts and managed to flee safely immediately after the attack. a helicopter was also shot down newr Shahi Kot mountains by uknown assailants with a missile. All the twelve aboard are said to be burnt to death. Planes are said to be heavily patrolling the area now.

       The Mulindwas communication group
"With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy"

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