Monitor: UPDF buys 12 jet planes:

Remember the Uganda Airlines plane that was arrested ferrying arms to combatants in the Yugoslavia war?

There were some Serb mercenaries in Canada who mu7 was working with then, with some of them resident in Uganda.

Remember when it came to the Commission of enquiry later in Kampala, the Minister of Transport then, Mr Abraham Waligo dis-associated himself from all the murky goingson.

When the Director of the Ugandan Airlines then, refused to take the blame he was shot in broad day light on Kitante road when he was taking back his kids for lunch. You dont remember that story?

The White man who shot him proceeded to the Officers mess to drink and soldiers took the body to the mortuary in Mulago.

This man was later buried in Mbale/Bugishu. His relatives were never allowed to see the body. The grave was sealed with concreate and soldirs did not vacate the area until this cement had set very hard.

Dont you remember this Uganda Airlines saga and the killing of this Ugandan Director? I forget his name.

Most probably it is these same mercenaries again that have cooked up this Mig deal. There is no reputable Canadian Company that deals in Mig Jet fighters.

There are a lot of these Eastern block Mafia who have immigrated to Canada from Hungary, Russia, Ukraine, Serbia etc....

International Criminal Syndicates have joined with the Britisjh SAS, South African Boers, etc... and it is not only Uganda that is at stake but the whole of Africa.

The price we are/will pay for putting this mafia in our State house has not yet been tallied, yet, I am afraid.

From: "J Ssemakula" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Re: ugnet_: Fw: Monitor: UPDF buys 12 jet planes

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Anyone with access to fairly standard publications or databases can tell exactly how many of what hardwarde, military or otherwise, any African country has bought when from whom and even at what price.  If Bantariza's imaginary (?) enemies can read, they'll know soon enough.

----Original Message Follows----
From: "Lisa Toro" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: ugnet_: Fw: Monitor: UPDF buys 12 jet planes
Date: Wed, 4 Dec 2002 07:18:45 -0000
More NRM/NRA killing machines!!
UPDF buys 12 jet planes
By David Kibirige
The Uganda People's Defence Forces (UPDF) has ordered 12 jet fighters.
Army spokesman Maj. Shaban Bantariza confirmed yesterday that the army is to
buy jet fighters.
He, however, declined to name the number of jets or the country from which
they are to be imported.
"We are not only getting jet fighters but other equipment as well,"
Bantariza said. "I cannot tell you from where or how many as that would be
revealing our secrets to our adversaries."
He said that some of the jets would be interceptors and others offensive.
Top military sources told The Monitor that the army sent experts to Canada
and Libya to inspect the jets.
"In Canada there is a dealer in MIG 21 and MIG 26 who has shown interest in
supplying the fighters," a source said. "We are also looking at the
opportunity of getting refurbished ones from Libya."
The source said that President Yoweri Museveni said he wants a squadron to
boost the four jets the UPDF has.
The army has sent 16 officers to be trained as pilots and technicians in
The last time UPDF acquired jet fighters was a few years ago.
They acquired two jets, which were taken to Israel for refurbishment.
In 1998 the army got four MI-24 attack helicopters from Belarus whose
airworthiness was questionable.
Only two were delivered after UPDF pilots rejected to fly the first two.
December 04, 2002 00:14:44
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