UPDF sets up roadblocks to stop fleeing soildiers
By Irene Nabwire
The army has staged several roadblocks on Karuma – Pakwach Road to net soldiers who try to flee from their areas of duty.
The roadblocks were staged in Nora, 2km north of Karuma Bridge, Agung and in Kololo, 12km to Pakwach Bridge.
Soldiers at the roadblock kept checking every West Nile bound bus.
“Yes, we are checking for soldiers who try to flee,” an army officer said at one of the roadblocks.
Army spokesman Maj. Shaban Bantariza said the roadblocks were created to stop stubborn soldiers who could be travelling without proper letters from the authority but denied they were fleeing from duty.
“Usually we try to stop the soldiers who intend to sneak home without proper letters from their authorities, not that they flee away from duty,” Bantariza said.
Meanwhile, the UPDF has increased its forces along every road in northern Uganda to avoid possible ambushes carried out by the Kony rebels.
Security sources said that the forces were increased on Karuma – Pakwach, Gulu – Kampala and Gulu – Adjumani roads.
Lt. Paddy Ankunda, the 4 Division spokesman, said that there are two battalions along Gulu, Lira – Kitgum roads to guard the travelling civilians.
“We have two big battalions along those roads. We are confident that our forces will take good care of travelling vehicles and passengers,” Ankunda said.

January 14, 2003 23:39:23

 “We will have to repent in this generation not merely for the vitriolic words and actions of bad people but also for the appalling silence of good people". M.L.King

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