It is circuitous for dictator Museveni to call previous leaders such names. Well it is 
okay for anybody to call people any name they see fit. But with dictator Museveni 
whose philosophy is "kill kill kill" I wonder what he means. 
Whatever he meant, if Iddi Amin was a fool and idiot who was imposed by 
imperialists...", and Obote killed people in Luwero, then dictator Museveni is really 
a bafoon who cannot tell day light from night. Or is he mentally retarded.

Omar Kezimbira <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>Idi Amin was an idiot – Museveni, The Monitor-6th February 2003By Rogers 
>MulindwaPresident Yoweri Museveni yesterday again attacked his predecessors.
>Former dictator Idi Amin took the brunt of the president's attacks.
>"This Idi Amin was an idiot and a fool who had been put in power by the 
>imperialists," he said.
>Museveni was speaking at celebrations to mark the 22nd anniversary of the Uganda 
>Peoples Defence Forces (formerly National Resistance Army) at Bombo Army headquarters.
>The president said the armed struggle launched in 1981 wasn't the first resistance 
>against poor leadership.
>He linked it to the struggle against Amin that started in 1971.
>He hailed the Tanzanians for the military support to Ugandan exiles who fought to 
>topple Amin from 1971 until they succeeded in April 1979.
>Museveni also blamed former president Milton Obote for using the army to overthrow 
>the 1962 constitution.
>"That’s when we started relying on a gun to defend our country," he said.
>Museveni said 70,000 people were killed by Obote's forces in Luwero.
>Their skulls are interred at several monuments across Luwero.
>Museveni said Amin had killed about 500,000 Ugandans between 1971 and 1979.
>"Those killing fellow Africans are agents of foreign interests," Museveni said.
>The president warned undisciplined soldiers.
>He said any soldier who kills innocent people would be shot.
>He said there were three such cases at the army court martial in northern Uganda.
>Museveni said the 17-year northern insurgency would end soon.
>The function was attended by five senior Sudanese army officers led by Lt. Gen. 
>"I am happy that the Sudanese delegation is with us and I hope the northern border 
>will soon be peaceful," he said.
>He accused former DR Congo presidents Mobutu Sese Seko and Laurent Kabila of being 
>behind killings in western Uganda.
>"Mobutu and Kabila were sending terrorists into our country and we had to deal with 
>them," Museveni said.
>He did not elaborate.
>He said since the Movement assumed power, university enrolment has increased from 
>4,900 in 1986 to 57,000 in 2002.
>The number of pupils under Universal Primary Education has also risen from 2.2 
>million to 7.4 million.
>Museveni said unemployment would be solved by having more industries.
>Army Commander Maj. Gen. James Kazini pledged Shs 500,000 to the best guard 
>commander, Lt. D.J. Walimbwa.
>February 06, 2003 14:14:32
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He it is Who created for you all that is on earth...He is the All-knower of everything.
Swaddaq Allahu Al-Adhim.
The United Nations: described the conflict as the worst in the violent history of 
northern Uganda.

Michael Bwambuga.

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