====from radio simba: "Rebel group breaks out in Teso"

A new Rebel group is feared to have emerged in parts of Teso sub region .The group identified by sources as the Union For Democracy is suspected to have ganged up with Joseph Kony’s LRA .

The group whose Leaders have not yet gone public have submitted a hand written letter to Government through the state Minister for Disaster Preparedness Christine Aporu.

When called for verification Thursday afternoon the Minister’s phone was off. However Kumi county MP Amuriat Oboi Patrick says there is growing fear in Teso.

Army spokesman Shaban Bantariza says the UPDF is not scared, because it has the capacity to deal with any submissive group.

He noted that any body who forms a rebel group at a time when political space is being opened up is mad, because he should instead form a political party in order to compete for political power.

Bantariza said,” what is the rebel group going to do and how long will it last more than the UPA we put out of action? They can gang up with Kony or the even with the Devil, but we shall be in charge of Uganda until Jesus comes back.’

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