Mwami Musazi

Amin has been out of power for more than 25 years, what have you done to
bring him to justice in all those cases you have against him? You are
praising Museveni but remember Gen Mustafa Adrisi who was a Minister of
defence of Amin is Museveni's special advisor. So what is it that you know
that we do not know and NRM has failed to know yet?


            The Mulindwas Communication Group
"With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy"
            Groupe de communication Mulindwas
"avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie"
----- Original Message -----
From: "emmanuel musaazi" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, July 29, 2003 11:13 AM
Subject: Re: ugnet_: Forgive Amin, says Cardinal Wamala

> The issue here is not about feeling sorry for an ailing man the issue is
> about setting a presidence that stops this unending blood letting by our
> leaders...25 years is not a long time as i said earlier the Isrealis and
> whole of the western world are still hunting down Nazi war criminals over
> years after the affair....the former Chilean President also narrowly
> repatriation to Spain to face accusations of murder...this is a question
> principle, the rule of law and justice and of course making it clear that
> value the lives of our's not even about you saying "well i
> lost relatives but i still forgive amin" it is deeper than that my
> friend....if we are seen to value the lives of our people by foreigners
> they will also value our lives but if we don't value the lives of our
> how do we expect a "muzungu" to value our lives.
> >From: Owor Kipenji <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >Subject: Re: ugnet_: Forgive Amin, says Cardinal Wamala
> >Date: Mon, 28 Jul 2003 22:54:40 +0100 (BST)
> >
> >Listers over the past couple of weeks ever since the story of Amin's
> >ill-health came up,there has been a plethora of articles about Amin
> >and all that happenned during his reign as "Life"president of Uganda.
> >If anybody in Uganda strongly felt that Amin deserved trial for all the
> >litany of ills he and his henchmen were said to have committed,we had
> >over 25 years in which to do that.Let's forget about the statutes of
> >limitation that may be occassioned on prosecuting certain cases based on
> >time factors,does any seriuos Uganda now believe on his death bed Amin
> >should be tried?.Is this not a case of hypocrisy?.Mu7 who was quoted as
> >having said Amin would be arrested and tried should Amin return to Uganda
> >has been president for 17 years to date.Why did not ask for Amin's
> >extradition to stand trial all these 17 years.I think we are making too
> >much political hot air("Binyampo") over this issue.I really do not think
> >should take the person of the Cardinal's standing to tell us this.Some of
> >us suffered personal losses during Amin's reign yet despite that I still
> >believe like most other believers that Amin will soon face the ultimate
> >judge who definately will offer the best justice that no other human
> >could because it will be judgment of his soul not his physical body that
> >will die and rot away.
> >Common sense,they say is very un common and yet this is what we all need
> >have in abundance!
> >Thanks.
> >Kipenji.
> >=============================================================
> >
> >Omar Kezimbira <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >Forgive Amin, says cardinal
> >By Sserwaniko John Vivian
> >July 29, 2003-Monitor
> >
> >
> >Former president Idi Amin's ill health is nothing to celebrate, Emmanuel
> >Cardinal Wamala has said.
> >
> >The Catholic prelate instead wants Ugandans to learn to forgive; and
> >it hard to comprehend how God-loving people could rejoice at another
> >person's misfortune.
> >
> >The Cardinal's remarks were contained in a speech read for him by Bishop
> >Emeritus Edward Baharagate on Sunday.
> >
> >Baharagate represented the Cardinal at the 10th anniversary celebrations
> >for St. Augustine's College in Wakiso.
> >
> >The bishop said that the government should now not prosecute Amin as it
> >never bothered to extradite him when he was still in good health.
> >
> >Baharagate said that it is not godly to be vengeful and unforgiving to an
> >ailing former president, his alleged crimes notwithstanding.
> >
> >Baharagate also asked how President Museveni could pardon Mr Abdalla
> >who was convicted for murder, and refuse to forgive Amin.
> >
> >The former president is admitted at a Saudi hospital in Jeddah. He is
> >suffering from hypertension, overweight and general fatigue.
> >
> >Amin's health has caused hot debates, with some Ugandans urging the
> >government to let him return home unharmed.
> >
> >Mr Museveni has however said that Amin would be arrested and prosecuted
> >his alleged crimes if he returned to Uganda alive.
> >
> >Museveni also said that Amin would never be accorded a state funeral,
> >although his family may return his body home should the man who promoted
> >himself to field marshal die in exile.
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >© 2003 The Monitor Publications
> >
> >
> >
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