12 US Troops Said
Wounded Near Fallujah


AFP) -- An unknown number of US troops were wounded when assailants fired several rocket-propelled grenades (RPGs) at a US convoy west of the rebel city of Fallujah, witnesses said.

"Several rockets were fired on a convoy and two jeeps and three armoured personnel carriers caught fire," witness Mohammad Hamad al-Halboussi told AFP at the scene.

"The attackers ran away and then came back to open fire with Kalashnikovs and pistols on the American soldiers," he added.

The attack, which began at 7:00 am (0300 GMT), and the subsequent gun battle lasted about 90 minutes, in the village of Albu Alwan, seven kilometres (four miles) west of Fallujah, said Majid Ibrahim Allawi, adding that three Iraqi men were arrested.

"I was arrested for two hours by American forces and I saw 12 (US) soldiers on the ground."

"They were driven in the direction of camp al-Habani," a former base of the Iraqi army now used by US forces.

A US military spokeswoman contacted by AFP said she was not aware of the attack.

At 10:30 am (0630 GMT), an AFP correspondent witnessed an explosion on the road in Albu Alwan which occurred 15 metres (yards) from a US patrol, but there were no casualties.

Fallujah, a Sunni Muslim bastion 50 kilometers (30 miles) west of Baghdad, is the scene of frequent attacks on US forces occupying Iraq and relations in the town have been strained since US troops shot dead at least 16 demonstrators in April.
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