GI Killed, 3 Hurt in Attack Near Baghdad
5 minutes ago

BAGHDAD, Iraq - A U.S. soldier was killed and three were wounded in a rocket-propelled grenade attack on their convoy east of Baghdad, the military reported Saturday.


The soldier, killed late Friday, was the 52nd to die in combat in Iraq (news - web sites) since President Bush (news - web sites) declared major fighting over on May 1. So far 167 soldiers have died in the Iraq War, 20 more than during the 1991 Gulf War (news - web sites).

The Arab satellite television broadcaster Al-Jazeera reported that one U.S. soldier also died Saturday morning in an attack north of the capital, but the military said it had no details on the incident.

The military also announced Saturday that U.S. soldiers, firing in self-defense Friday, had killed a woman who was standing near where attackers dropped an explosive from an overpass onto the U.S. convoy below.

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