Museveni is WORSE that Amin!!!!!!!!


>From: "gook makanga" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>Subject: ugnet_: Museveni is like Amin, says UPC
>Date: Wed, 20 Aug 2003 21:44:38 +0000

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Museveni is like Amin, says UPC
By Halima Abdallah
August 21, 2003

But govt spokesperson says UPC is betraying the country

The Uganda People’s Congress yesterday compared President Yoweri Museveni's regime to that of Idi Amin.

But in a rejoinder, a government spokesman accused the party of betraying the country by making such statements.

The chairman of the UPC's Presidential Policy Commission, Dr James Rwanyarare, told journalists at the party's weekly media briefing at Uganda House that the rule of law has vanished in the country.

Rwanyarare said that the misuse of security agencies, abuse of the Constitution, abuse of Parliament, orders to shoot on sight and kill, safe houses and attempts to create a life presidency were highest during Idi Amin's regime.
And he said this is recurring.

“With all these behaviors, the distinction between Amin and Museveni is getting darker,” Rwanyarare said.

However, the Presidential Press Secretary, Ms Mary Okurut, dismissed Rwanyarare's claims.

"Anyone who makes such comments should have his head examined not to be taken seriously. UPC is betraying Uganda by saying that the Museveni government is in the Hitler group," she said.

Rwanyarare had earlier said that government has used its muscle to negate the rights and freedoms of Parliament in making laws and regulating actions of the executive.

The politician said that some people operate above the law, citing the members from the security agencies who, he said, are a law unto themselves.

He accused the security organs of detaining, torturing people and committing murder with impunity.

Rwanyarare criticised government for not legalising the operations of the army.
“UPDF has never been legally transformed from the National Resistance Army, a Museveni guerrilla army. It operates as a personal army of Lt. Gen. Museveni,” he said.

'Obote has no case to answer'

Rwanyayare also told journalists that UPC does not have to defend itself on its human rights record during its two spells in office.

The New York-based body, Human Rights Watch had earlier listed Obote among the former leaders who should be prosecuted for committing crimes against humanity.
The rights body cited the second reign of Obote from 1980 to 1985 as one that was characterised by human rights violations, especially in Luwero.

Rwanyarare told journalists that Amin investigated Obote using the Scotland Yard, "which cleared him".

The politician added that when President Museveni came to power, he appointed Justice Arthur Oder to chair a commission that investigated alleged violations of human rights in the Obote regime, and that the commission gave a clean bill of health.

Rwanyarare said that the Senior Presidential Adviser on Media and Public Relations, Mr John Nagenda, was a member of the panel that cleared Obote.

He told journalists that the only reason Museveni has not taken steps to prosecute Obote is because he knows that the former leader is innocent.

However, Nagenda told The Monitor on phone that Obote has never been cleared.

"I sat in the Human Rights Commission for nearly nine years; we never cleared Obote at all. He has a lot of questions to answer in the report filed," Nagenda said.

The presidential adviser said that the UPC is the worst party that has ever existed.

Nagenda said that whoever shall use the report from the Oder Commission for purposes of prosecuting Obote "shall find it very useful", adding that it is upon the government to prosecute him or not.

Museveni has always said that Obote will be prosecuted or shot if he returned to Uganda.

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