Pure, unadaltered poppycock!
Just before independence, the Brits did advise one Militon Obote to, at the very least, put Amin on trial for use of excessive force and/or cruelty while in the King's African Rifles (a.k.a. KAR, "Keya", etc); not to promote him, and/or to fire him.
Obote studiously ignore them, for his own sinister plans had crystallized by then, and Amin was to be the key ingredient in executing them.
After independence, our own parliament, tried to at least censure him, and to force Obote to fire Amin -- remember the gold allegations? -- to no avail! Instead, Obote moved extra-consititutionally to protect Amin at all cost.
Well, he is now in Lusaka, awaiting to rejoin his fellow killer Amin, in hell.
Before  you jump down my throat for 'rabid hatred' of your patron saint, listen to that the devil himself had to say about Amin, and advice of the Brits.  Read all about it in David Martin's 1974 book, General Amin, published in London by Faber. It is largely based on Martin's interviews of Obote during his exile in Dar es Salaam, Tz, after his former protege kicked him out of power in 1971.
Er ... poetic justice indeed: Obote spilled his guts on Amin to Martin, just as Ibingira was  spill his guts on Obote in the former's 1980 book "African Upheavals Since Independence". Truly, there is no honor among thieves.
There is a saying that "A fool's tongue is long enough to hang him" (do you know where it comes from? A popular variant is: A fool's tongue is long enough to cut his own throat.) Milton Apollo Obote's is certainly more than sufficient -- as history shows.
As for killing people,  Obote managed to hack over 300,000 Ugandans to death, all in a mere 5 years: 1981-1986. Remember 'Luweero Triangle'! Remember 'panda gari'!, etc.
Incidentally, in these times, some of  Ibingira's other writings which need to be revisited are:
Bitter harvest: a political novel. Nairobi, Kenya, East African Pub. House, 1980.
Three papers presented before the Commission of Inquiry into Violations of Human Rights, February 15-16, 1990, Kampala, Uganda / U.S. Committee for Refugees.
We need to do our utmost to fight this shameless revisionist history, disinformation & misinformation campaign.

--- Mulindwa Edward <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I wonder at Ugandans
> Putting Amin on trial would have meant putting the
> British Empire on Trial. Lest we not forget the
> power behind the man, who maketh him. This was a
> young man picked up at age fourteen, trained to kill
> for the Empire(Burma, Mau Mau etc). He was trained
> in the prestigious Sandhurst, awarded the Victorian
> cross, the highest accolade awarded to a soldier.
> They the British are keeping their head in the Sand
> over this issue and distancing themselves. Had they
> put him in school like many other's we would have
> seen a different character perhaps.
> Amin remains a victim as much as the people he
> purported to have "killed". The figures are sketchy,
> 200,000 one minute to 500,000 the next. The fact
> that he was never indicted pro ves that he had
> nothing to answer. They had 25 years and nothing,
> not even amnesty international.
> What circumstance did they die in, Did Amin
> personally kill them, where they the victims of
> skirmishes? where? When? How? Really? Nobody is able
> to answer that or bring any concrete prove apart
> from fabricated hearsay. The British continue to
> smile like the cat that got the cream for they know
> had they not colonized Uganda, Amin would not have
> been what he turned out to be. Phew, they breathe a
> sigh of relief, it's just a case of diminished
> responsibility, Amin's Family might have a strong
> case against the British Empire though and Pension
> to collect on his behalf.
> Today we have Museveni on record killing 1.2m
> Ugandans and don't forget the Congo conflict which
> has seen 4.5million massacred. Channel4 in England
> recentl y aired a dispatches programme on this
> http://www.channel4.com/news/microsites/C/congos_killing_fields/index.html.
> I was shocked and repulsed. It's was stomach
> charring and I am beginning to believe all Ugandans
> are evil people who deserve each other. Where are
> the protest and the outcry at this genocide you
> commit in Congo.
> Amin was not a murderous dictator, he just stepped
> on a few toes. Museveni, Blair and Bush just have a
> better PR machinery.
> The British public are gearing a campaign to stop
> taxpayer's money going to Uganda to commit genocide
> on their name. What is the Ugandan public doing
> about this issue?
> It is good that Amin is buried in the holy land of
> the prophet Muhammad(peace be upon him). At least
> Ugan dans can make a second pilgrimage and have a
> permanent connection with the Kingdom of Saudi
> Arabia. The family decided well!
> Rest in Peace "Big Daddy".
> By: Blue Water
> 21st August, 2003 6:51 PM
>             The Mulindwas Communication Group
> "With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy"
>             Groupe de communication Mulindwas
> "avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans
> l'anarchie"

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