Lakwena Mourns Amin

New Vision (Kampala)August 21, 2003

Posted to the web August 21, 2003

Kampala FORMER rebel leader Alice Lakwena has mourned the death of dictator Idi Amin, whom she described as "a hero for the down-trodden," writes a Vison Reporter.Kenya's Daily Nation, yesterday said Lakwena, the self-styled prophetess now exiled in Kenya, described the tyrant who died in Saudi Arabia last week as a hero who tirelessly fought for the rights of his people.She said Amin genuinely believed in "Africa for Africans" and made efforts to make Ugandans feel they truly owned their country.

According to the paper, she was reluctant to talk about that period of her life but insisted Amin should have been buried at home.Lakwena, who led an unsuccessful four-year insurgency against President Museveni, said she wrote to Museveni on the day she received the news of Amin's death. She declined to divulge the details of the letter, saying they could only be revealed by the President.

"The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth becomes the greatest enemy of the state."

- Dr. Joseph M. Goebbels - Hitler's propaganda minister

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