Yes, she, Mrs. Okurut  will soon 'get a life' in exile!

>From: Joicye nansikombi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>Subject: ugnet_: Museveni still lying lying lying!
>Date: Tue, 30 Sep 2003 19:39:48 -0700 (PDT)
>Yesterday, Ms. okurut came out with an article lying about the circumstances underwhich Dictator Museveni left Kigali and ran back to Uganda. She lied.
>Today she again lied. In her first statement she did not indicate that M7 had urgent matters to attend to at home. She said that, "... even the Nigerian leader Olusegun Obasanjo left before lunch."
>The Rwandese Offical said that, "I am surprised that people in Kampala are trying to confuse the world. President Obasanjo was the last to leave. In fact, although he was supposed to go to Sierra Leone, he said it was not proper in the African culture to refuse to have lunch in one's home. He stayed and had lunch with all other heads of state....For reasons best known by our neighbour, brother and others, he [Museveni] did not have lunch in Kigali. That is to put the record straight..."
>Now monitor commented that..."He also didn't have any formal talks with Kagame, to the chagrin of Rwanda government officials who thought the two leaders would use the opportunity to make up."
>Need I say more.....Okurut, STOP LYING. Ugandans are fed up and are wide awake and watching. They are even hearing. They know the truth about your lies. People are sick and tired of lies. Get a life!
>Nansikombi J.
>Soroti made Museveni cut Kagame lunch
>By Badru D. Mulumba & Evelyn Lirri
>Oct 1, 2003
>KAMPALA – President Yoweri Museveni did not skip lunch in Kigali after Mr Paul Kagame inauguration out of anger at the presence of Mr Eriya Kategaya.
>In separate statements, the Regional Co-operation state minister, Mr Augustine Nshimye, and president’s press secretary, Ms Mary Karooro Okurut said the Rwandan president’s luncheon was competing against Museveni’s ‘tight’ schedule in Soroti.
>Kagame was sworn in on September 12 in the presence of nine African leaders, amongst them South Africa’s Thabo Mbeki.
>Kategaya (ex-Internal Affairs minister), Major Gen. Mugisha Muntu and East African Community secretary general, Mr Amanya Mushega – leading opponents of perceived attempts by Museveni to rule beyond 2006 - attended.
>“The president had no reason to be troubled by the presence of anybody at the function,” said Karooro.
>“To say that he did not take too kindly the presence of his fellow countrymen – who also happen to be close colleagues – is a cheap attempt to lower the dignity of His Excellency,” she added.
>Nshimye said that Museveni went to Kigali in spite of his heavy schedule in Soroti where he was overseeing army operations against Lord’s Resistance Army rebels.
>He said that Kigali was consulted ahead of the inauguration.
>“Based on the programme received, it was also decided well in advance that [he would] only attend the inauguration ceremony at the stadium and return immediately to Kampala,” Nshimye said.
>“This position was conveyed well in advance to the Rwandese Government through our Ambassador in Kigali.”
>Mr Adonia Ayebare is the ambassador.
>Karooro said that Kagame accorded Museveni “the highest recognition of all that were present.”
>“He sat next to him and greeted him warmly, addressing him as ‘Mzee’. It was significant that he was the first president that Kagame introduced.”
>A schedule released by Karooro, to back her statement indicates that Museveni left Soroti to Entebbe by helicopter.
>He then boarded the presidential jet for a direct flight to Kigali the same morning, Karooro said.
>Karooro says Museveni had to be in Soroti in “good time”. Museveni, she said, flew back to Entebbe and boarded the chopper non-stop to Soroti.
>© 2003 The Monitor Publications
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