Museveni paranoid, says UPC
By Emmanuel N. Mugarura & Evelyn Lirri
Oct 9, 2003

KAMPALA - The Uganda People's Congress has criticised President Yoweri Museveni's recent defence of a maternity trip to Germany by one of his daughters.

Ms Natasha Keinembabazi flew the presidential jet to Germany to give birth in August.

"This is the latest in a series of paranoid acts and utterances that are the hallmark of his rule," Dr James Rwanyarare, the chairman of UPC's Presidential
Policy Commission, said yesterday.

"This paranoia, which is disguised as individual merit, has caused Museveni to overstate himself as all knowledgeable, all important, all valuable and indispensable," Rwanyarare told journalists at the UPC headquarters in Kampala.
He said the President is always trying to discredit all institutions.

"There has been a well orchestrated onslaught on institutions by paranoid Lt. Gen. Museveni. The first victim was the army, police and then the cooperatives," he said.

Rwanyarare also challenged the President to produce the medical doctor he claims tried to amputate an injured soldier's leg.

"We challenge Museveni to produce the name of the said doctor to the medical council to take action1/4," Rwanyarare said.

While defending his daughter's trip to Germany in last Sunday's papers following public criticism, Museveni said he does not trust some doctors here.
He said some Ugandan doctors are partisan.

He also called upon the medical council to come up with a clear position on the President's claims to save the profession from shame and ridicule.

"These are outrageous claims which if left unchallenged would damage the image and reputation of the profession irretrievably," Rwanyarare said.

e said Ugandan doctors are amongst the best in the world. Rwanyarare said that Museveni, ironically, has been riding on the doctors' success in the fight against HIV/Aids.

"That man is known for only the fight against Aids and this was the work of the doctors. Why can't he ever appreciate?" the UPC official said.

"I think the old man is getting sick and he doesn't want to accept it. He is even scared of his own shadow, how does he cordon off the church [All Saints Cathedral] because he fears death?" he said.

All Saints Cathedral on Nakasero Hill is a stone's throw away from the President's home located on the same hill.

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