CNN And Fox Lied About
Sammara Massacre

Commentary by
Moshe Ben Gurion
Tel Aviv, Israel

Shalom Mr. Rense,
I do not understand how the American news media is lying over and over again.
Yesterday, Reuters correspondent interviewed locals in Sammara Iraq, who said that the Americans came and massacre civilians in the streets. This was 'expected' by the frustrated American military, since the Iraqi freedom fighters (whom the Americans conveniently call 'terrorists'), killed seven Spanish spies and two Japanese spies the day before.
Later, CNN came with a new fabricated story about killing 54 Fidayeen Iraqi soldiers. CNN exaggeration continue unabated in describing the 'black uniforms' of the Iraqis, in order to create the impression that the Americans killed a real fighters and not just massacred civilians in the middle of the streets as Reuters reported. The American commander (self proclaimed hero), continued his fables by describing how an American tank blew up a building with all the 54 black dressed 'terrorists' inside. REAL AMERICAN HERO! This totally contradicted CNN previous report that a whole caravan was attacked from different directions, AND NOT from just one building!
Al Jazeera exposed the Pentagon lies as a simple military bloodbath of civilians ('Mai Lay' all over again): 
This al Jazeera report agrees with the initial Reuters report!
I just heard a few minutes ago an interview with the Iraqi manager of the Hospital in Sammara and he said that he is aware of ONLY EIGHT civilians killed. this support the INITIAL report by Reuters, that the Americans entered the town and massacre its citizens in the streets.
The present Holocaust that the Americans are inflicting on the Iraqi people will fail, just as our Holocaust of the Palestinian people is failing...BIG TIME!
CNN has upgraded the propaganda to a new level, when the American commander at this 'news' conference, stood in front of a movie stage, with a 'tank' behind him on the screen. The whole 'news conference' was staged as a spectacular Hollywood production, to create the impression that he is 'Patten'.
CNN manipulations is an insult to our common sense. In the latest 'news' version that CNN wants us to believe, the Iraqi 'terrorists' knew that the Americans were carrying cash. OH YES? the Iraqi peasants has now infiltrated the American top command and knew all American movements? GIVE ME A BREAK !
American 'news' media is so corrupt, it is beyond repair, IT IS NOW A DANGER TO AMERICA (not 'bin Laden').
When NO 54 bodies of black dressed Iraqis Fidayeen were found, the American commander commented that maybe someone took them! OH YES?
EXCUSE ME ! how did the American commander knew that there were 54 bodies, if no one has seen them?
Do the Americans expect us to believe that the 'terrorists' who seem to be smart, will exposed themselves to the Americans in Black uniforms? American military propaganda is VERY childish compared with the Nazi propaganda.
As I am typing this email to you, I can hear on the radio that the American commander started to withdraw his story. The situation is so reniculus, we can never trust what the American military are saying in Iraq anymore. Americas credibility worldwide is at its lowest level in history. I just received an email from a business partner in China. He said that the Chinese are watching, and since the Americans are totally out of control with their web of lies, WW3 possibility is now discussed very often in china. He said most Chinese believe that the USA and Israel are behind 911.
Mr. Rense, please encourage your readers to listen VERY CAREFULLY to the initial reports of any event they hear on the 'news', IT IS ALL FABRICATED to the max. This 'production' by CNN have elevated 'journalism' to the level of Ben Hur. It is now practically impossible for the average person to find out the truth. We in Israel already lost our freedom to Sharon and the NWO, if you Americans want to preserve whatever left you have of your freedom, CNN should be prosecuted for this 'performance' . I did not watch Fox-News this time, normally they are MUCH worse than CNN, and practically every one on their staff should be prosecuted. Fox news is not as dangerous as CNN, as they are not clever as CNN, and it is very easy to spot their lies.
Thank you,
Moshe Ben Gurion
Tel Aviv
As I am finishing this email, I just heard that the actual events were like this:
1. American convoy drove through Summara
2. It was attacked by a few Iraqis.
3. The Iraqis fled
4. The American were really scared and started shooting at everything else in sight
5. They massacre eight civilians and made a lot of holes in the stores
6. Pentagon finally admits now that there are no 54 bodies of dead Iraqi Fidayeens.
My comment:
This is another black day in the history of America, yet another civilian massacre.
American forces are in panic, they shoot at everything that moves. I do not blame the American soldiers, they just want to stay alive in this Iraqi Hell, they clearly said that all they want is to return home. BUSH SHOULD BE PROSECUTED.
PS - Some of your readers may think that all of us in Israel are Zionists, NOTHING is farther from the truth. Practically none of us are Zionist, except Sharon and some of the religious fanatics and the crazy Americans who are immigrating here. Now that immigration is reversing itself and most of us are trying to escape out of Israel, this is the end of Israel, the end of Zionism, and probably the end of the world as we know it.
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