Bush Policies Shrink U.S. Opportunities - Democrats

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WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Democrats said on Saturday Americans face diminished opportunities because of President Bush (news - web sites)'s economic policies.


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"The Bush economy is accelerating the loss of opportunity in America," Iowa Gov. Tom Vilsack said in the Democrats' weekly radio address. "The true impact of the Bush economy cannot be felt today -- even with record unemployment and families under pressure to pay basic bills. The true impact will be left for our children to manage," said Vilsack, chairman of the Democratic Governors Association.

Under the Republican president, Vilsack said, the federal treasury has gone from a $5 trillion projected surplus over 10 years to a $5 trillion projected deficit that "is literally mortgaging our children's future." Vilsack said today's children "will be the first generation to face fewer opportunities than their parents," attending weaker schools and facing the prospect of financing the retirement of the baby boom generation. Citing the White House's annual report to Congress on the health of the economy, Vilsack said he was "very surprised to read that the Bush White House believes the flight of American factory jobs and white collar jobs to other countries is 'a good thing."'

He said Bush was "trying to make election-year lemonade out of a colossal lemon." Vilsack also said Bush's "massive and repeated tax cuts targeted to the wealthiest" have delivered a blow to state governments, which have deficits totaling $90 billion.

"How do you raise educational standards or keep college affordable if you have to cut budgets to balance budgets?" he asked. "We need real, effectual economic change in America, instead of Wall Street getting a tax break and America's families getting a pink slip."

"The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth becomes the greatest enemy of the state."

- Dr. Joseph M. Goebbels - Hitler's propaganda minister

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