
Reads like Mr. Ssemakula just went bananas!!!
Not sure how long the recovery will be.

>From: "Edward Mulindwa" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>Subject: Re: ugnet_: ON OBOTE, UPC AND UGANDA
>Date: Mon, 23 Feb 2004 20:48:46 -0500
>That is why I keep quit, for such argument is either hollow or just plain stupid.
>   ----- Original Message -----
>   From: J Ssemakula
>   Sent: Monday, February 23, 2004 5:05 PM
>   Subject: RE: ugnet_: ON OBOTE, UPC AND UGANDA
>   Mr. Oracha,
>   While it is true that Obote inherited a fairly proseprous country at independence with a good infra-structure -- by African standards; we should not forget that he proceeded to drive it into the ground, nearly on all fronts, at a fast clip. (Before you fire off one of your knee-jerk responses, bear in mind that there are historical records available of what we had at independence.)
>   Obote did not kill "Bagandans". Really?
>   What happened to the Kisubi boys? What happened at Nakulabye? What happened when he and his chum Amin, invaded our Kabakka's Lubiri at Mmengo? What happened to all those "Bagandans", and others, he picked up in daily panda gari swoops? What happened in the so-called Luweero-Trangle?, etc, etc, etc.
>   ssemakula
>   ----Original Message Follows----
>   Subject: ugnet_: ON OBOTE, UPC AND UGANDA
>   Date: Sat, 21 Feb 2004 12:00:45 EST
>   There are a lot of lies attributed to Dr. Obote with the intent of making him
>   hated by people. The main aim is to exclude him from the political leadership
>   in the country. Obote has not killed Bagandans but there was a clash between
>   the central government and the Kabaka in which Kabaka forcibly attempted to
>   chase away the central government from Kampala and Buganda. many people who were
>   alive then remember the blocking of roads with logs and other obstacles to
>   defeat the central government. While some would rejoice at the loss of life many
>   people of principle regret such losses. The people who died were Ugandans.
>   Obote attempted at all costs to unite the people of Uganda on the principle
>   that all were created equal. Most of his thinking are summed up in the common
>   charter which enable all Ugandans to feel part of one and fair country. Others
>   saw this as taking away their privileges and so they started labeling Dr.
>   Obote as anti Baganda. Fortunately, only a few people in Buganda have this
>   mentality. Unfortunately, they suppress the other open minded people in the region.
>   Not all Baganda share the same view or subscribe to and submit to the Kabaka.
>   This is normal in any society. So if Dr. Obote is not popular why be afraid of
>   him in an election?
>   Obote has done more for Uganda than any other leader for the short time he
>   was in power. The medical system was a wonder in many parts of Africa. The
>   education system was excellent and the infrastructure was very good. The words that
>   come out that man's mouth galvanizes and motivates people. UPC like any
>   organizations, has some undesirable elements. But that is not Obote. It takes time
>   to straighten the crooked members of any society.
>   Now whenever Museveni stands on the podium, he finds himself so bereft of
>   ideas that he thinks the problem is Dr. Obote. Obote's ghost is everywhere
>   haunting the usurpers of Ugandan's freedom. There is only one way to get rid of
>   Obote and his ghost: Speak a message of unity, bring development everywhere
>   especially the forgotten north respect human lives. You will have successfully got
>   rid of DR. Obote.
>   JOracha
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