If, as  Museveni claims, his army is notorious of making very many  Mistakes  time and time again during this  war with "KONY REBELS",  is it not logical to hold  Yoweri Museveni  Himself ( who is the overall commander-in-chief of the UPDF ) responsible  for this many mistakes which the UPDF has been and continues to make.?  According, should the people of Uganda, through  their elected representative in  Parliament) as for the resignation of the  Comander-in-chief ... after all he seems to be terrible  incompetent so much so that his army continues to make Mistakes every time people are killed in e "rebel" attack. ..and why is it that member of Parliament  do not take Yoweri Museveni to task for this Mistakes...if an employee of the people  does not perform and continuously makes Mistakes ..you fire HIM!!! !!


Uganda Blames Army for Massacre by Rebels

.c The Associated Press

LIRA, Uganda (AP) - President Yoweri Museveni apologized Tuesday for a rebel attack in northern Uganda last weekend that killed dozens of people, and blamed it on army mistakes.

Visiting the area where officials say 200 civilians were hacked, shot and burned alive at a refugee camp, Museveni said the army should never have allowed the attack to occur. He recalled the regional commander for further training.

``It's very sad, on behalf of the government, or the army, I apologize to the people because the mistake is on the side of the army,'' Museveni said after visiting a hospital packed with survivors. ``They (the army) did not coordinate well but we have got a long struggle, we shall overcome.''

Rebels with the Lord's Resistance Army raided the Barlonyo camp Saturday, shooting some people and burning others in their homes.

In a statement to the state-owned New Vision newspaper, Museveni said the army shouldn't have allowed the camp to be set up and didn't protect it properly. The troops there didn't notify other units of the attack until it was over and the rebels had fled, he said.

Local officials and witnesses put the death toll at more than 200, but Museveni said 84 people died. Earlier, the army had also put the toll at 84, but some officials accused the army of playing down the violence so it wouldn't appear weak.

About 5,000 people lived in the refugee camp, which was guarded by 30 members of a local defense unit. They were outgunned and quickly overpowered.

The army is sweeping the countryside for the insurgents, but has so far not reported finding any of them.

Dressed in combat fatigues, Museveni, who led his own bush war before seizing power in 1986, later drove around the area of the camp. He was protected by scores of troops traveling in armored personnel carriers and dozens of trucks, as well as a tank.

He stopped to speak to farmers who had ventured out of another nearby camp to gather cassava. Villagers told him they were afraid because of rebel activity.

The violence raised questions about the Ugandan government's claims that it is defeating the shadowy Lord's Resistance Army, which has abducted thousands of children to use as fighters, smugglers and sex slaves.

More than 1 million people from northern and eastern Uganda live in camps for fear of rebel raids.

The Lord's Resistance Army is led by Joseph Kony, who claims to have spiritual powers. The group says it wants Uganda to be governed according to the Ten Commandments.   

02/24/04 09:17 EST

"The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth becomes the greatest enemy of the state."

- Dr. Joseph M. Goebbels - Hitler's propaganda minister

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